Commissions have dealt with art, commerce, education, TV and publishing in print, on screen and in the public realm. Clients have included: Abacus Books, Abbey National, ABTA, Akajava Films for TG4 (TV), Andrew’s Lane Studio, Bernard Hodes Advertising, Cadburys, Computer Manuals Ltd, Designed Communication, Dillons the Bookstore, Dublin Airport, Eagle Works Gallery, Fagins, Hammick’s Bookstore, Hewlett Packard, Hugh Lane Municipal Art Gallery, Independent News & Media PLC, Knowledge Box Ltd, Laois County Council, Radharc (RTÉ TV), Que Books, John Schütte Associates, The Irish Times and Wolfhound Press.

selected commissions
Cáin Adomnáin
A video-mapped projection commission for Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival. It tells the story of the ‘Cáin Adomnáin’, one of the first ever laws to address human rights by protecting women and children, enacted in Birr in AD697. An absolute pleasure working with @lvdfilms and the twenty wonderful people who took part in it. Click on the video to watch the original video with inserted footage from it being projected onto the walls of St Brendan’s ruined church during the event (run time 07:33).
'Fitz & the 1st East-to-West Atlantic Flight' exhibition design and curation, Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise, 4 – 25 October 2018.

After researching this world-changing event in Ireland and Germany I decided to design the exhibition around the themes of 'flight' and 'navigation': original front-pages of newspapers were suspended in frames from the gallery's roof trusses to suggest flight and they were arranged so that visitors had to navigate a divergent route around them (above). A1 panels which tell the story of Col. James Fitzmaurice, the Irish airman, who co-piloted the first aeroplane to cross the Atlantic from Europe to accompany the artefacts on show can be seen directly below.

Watch the film collaboration with LVD Films (made for and) shown at the event...

Images to accompany the winning stories for New Irish Writing published in The Irish Times...
'There's Nothing You Can Do ...', story by Ruth McKee.

'The Summer of Wasps', story by Maeve McGowan. Read
Commission from Fintan O'Toole to produce 'thought provoking images' for stories written by eminent authors on the theme of 'This Means War', published in The Irish Times.

Commission from Laois County Council to curate (and design associated material for) an exhibition exploring James Fintan Lalor's influence on Easter 1916 as a focal point for the James Fintan Lalor School 2016.